
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Spartan Race Giveaway

I plan to get a training log post up soon (things are chugging along well!), but in the meantime, I wanted to share this giveaway with you all.

Spartan Race reached out to me to promote the book, Spartan Fit, which the founder of the race series recently wrote. The book is coming out in early August, and it looks pretty intriguing. It has the typical workout and diet plan, although it's tailored to help you prepare for a Spartan race, but it also includes  inspiring stories about athletes who have competed in Spartan races. I recently read Matt Fitzgerald's new book, How Bad Do You Want It?, which focused on stories of pushing through mental barriers and overcoming pain during the racing process. It's hard not to come away from the book feeling inspired.

Spartan Fit looks like it'll have a similar component, which makes it seem a bit different than other similar exercise books. One element of Spartan races that I learned about by reading the first chapter of the book (which is available online), is that part of the focus is on developing "obstacle immunity".

The idea is that getting past obstacles in the race is a metaphor for life's obstacles. If you can crawl through mud to get past barbed wire, jump over fire, haul a log, or quite literally get over a wall, then maybe when you're faced with an obstacle in life, you'll feel more empowered to get through it or move past it.

This woman: getting through obstacles.
I've certainly seen that running has had a positive impact on my ability to handle setbacks and obstacles in life, so I think Spartan Race's focus on this makes a lot of sense. I'm definitely interested to read the book when it comes out in early August.

Now, how about a giveaway? I have one free race code that's up for grabs! The code will work for any open heat in any Spartan race in the continental U.S.

Leave a comment letting me know why you're interested in doing a Spartan race. Giveaway closes on Friday, May 27, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. I'll notify the winner by Monday. Good luck!!

And even if you don't win, use the code SPARTANBLOGGER at registration for a 10% discount on all Spartan races!

[P.S. I'm not being compensated for writing this post in any way, I just figured that people would appreciate the opportunity to win a free Spartan race!]


  1. I'm interested in a Spartan Race because I need something to push myself! It's a great opportunity to get myself in shape and the motivation I need to train and let myself out of my comfort zone!

  2. My son is going to his first Spartan Race (recently left the Army), I would like to join him and spend some quality time

  3. I'm interested because the race kicked my butt last time and I want to improve.

  4. Love to join my son in a Spartan Race

    1. Congrats, Ruth! I drew the number "4" on a random number generator, so you win the entry! Please email me to collect the prize.

  5. I'm interested because it's awesome motivation to get back into shape!

  6. I'm interested because I love challenging myself and trying to get in better shape

  7. I'd love to put myself up to a great physical and mental challenge! Spartan Race provides a perfect platform. Dave Martin

  8. I'm interested! I love the outdoors and a real challenge!
